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I ran 3 classes a week, for a total of 8 weeks in February & March 2021 to support the well being of NHS staff and they proved to be a great success, participants found the classes had a significant impact on mental health (look below for feedback from those who attended.) The project was about taking time for yourself and simply enjoying engaging with art as a means to switch off and relax. There is never any pressure to show work or create a masterpiece, it’s all about enjoying the process and giving the brain a gentle breather.​ Most people attending had not engaged with art since school and were sceptical of their abilities but the results below speak for themselves! Projects are specifically planned to be achievable by people with all different levels of art experience and they are guided through each stage. Part of the beauty of this project is facilitating people to create art they did not think they were capable of and helping to unlock creativity that has just not been used for a long time. It is wonderful to witness people flourish and begin to have more confidence in themselves as artists.​Initial workshops were put on voluntarily, so they could be free for those attending - Scribble Arts was then able to secure funding from The Sussex Community Foundation in May 2021 to be able to offer the opportunity for more NHS staff to access these classes at no cost - these classes were run from November 21 - March 22 and an exhibition of some of the work produced was displayed in Brighton Library in May 2022.​​​​


Scan QR Code to see a short video of the exhibition on my Instagram post


Joining Heidi's online NHS art group this February brought colour and revived a creative passion back into my world. The classes offered a different focus, I looked forward to them - it opened my eyes and thoughts up to new life.The group itself offered connection and allowed myself to be on the receiving end of kindness and new calming, creative ideas. It's been a joy and really wonderful. Can't thank you enough.

Heidi Wood, Maternity Support Worker

I just wanted to thank you for putting on these art sessions.  I don't usually enjoy online sessions,  but I look forward to my Wednesday evenings, after a stressy day of head and neck cancer clinic.  

It feels like having new friends in my living room, without the need to talk (which is good for me as I tend to sob a lot at the moment!), all getting absorbed in the art project. Listening to people's chatter about ordinary stuff is a bit of a treat at the moment and I always end the evening in a  better emotional state than I came to it, while trying something new and creative. This group has been a gentle, creative therapy. Thank you!

Kay Goddard, Dosimetrist

Heidi’s art class has been a real godsend. Really engaging, really encouraging. Ive never been arty, but these difficult times have been a struggle and this is relaxing and totally absorbing for the hour whilst it goes on, but also encouraging appreciation and curiosity about normal stuff which is definitely helping with stress levels! Being able to access these classes through work is key, i would not be doing this (and feeling huge benefit from it) if i had to source a class externally, it wouldn’t even have occurred to me this was something i needed!

Kevin Burgoyne, Healthcare Librarian

I cant thank you enough Heidi for getting me back into art. You’ve given me the confidence and zest to pick up my pencils again after a twenty year break and I've enjoyed your art (and mindfulness) classes so much - the classes are helping so much to build a routine. A brilliant antidote.

Sarah Devos, Clinical Scientist

The class has been something to look forward to every Tuesday. During the class I find myself just totally absorbed by the task we have been given and I love having something to focus on - in that moment nothing else matters. It has been nice to open up my creative side and sometimes surprise myself. Thank you Heidi for running these classes.

Sarah Parker

I haven’t been to an art class for years, since my a levels in college. It’s been something on my list to revisit but never quite getting it together. Art classes with heidi have been so wonderful and calming. It has made me realise how much i miss the pleasant chat and occasional silences of being in an art class. No pressure to talk but company if you want it - lovely for an NHS worker not to have to chat and get lost in their own pice of work... It has made me really concentrate on one task, get some creative parts of my brain to wake up and has been so good for my well being and reducing stress. Thank yo so much Heidi for offering something so wonderful to us. Have really appriciated it.


Didi Craze, Communication & Social Media Midwife

The art classes have given me a set time to stop everything else’s, relax and be creative. I am really enjoying the variety of projects we are doing with the support of a calming teacher and a small group of friendly fellow NHS staff. Thank you so much.

Lauren Willis, Clinical Lead in Vestibular Services

Fully support your desire to offer more to nhs - heres my reflections

After a very busy, sometimes challenging and stress filled day working in primary care mental health, i find Heidi’s art for relaxation sessions invaluable. The sessions offer me a space to unwind and to be ‘me’ not ‘therapist/wife/mummy’ to relax and to also have a giggle with relaxed chatter while we try out different art ideas. Heidi facilitates the sessions with kindness, skill and patience (i think her patience is very much testes some days when we are trying to learn new techniques!!) i ma thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to revisit a past enjoyment with being creative and the sessions have inspired me to pick up and enjoy using art materials again outside of the class. Thank you Heidi

Lisa Wain, Psychological Therapist in Primary Care

Having worked in mental health for almost 30years i recognise the benefits of not just doing art work but doing this with others. I can honestly say this is the most rejuvenating hour of my week. I always end the class feeling calm, connected and surprised how with the right instructions i can actually make something that looks nice!

Deborah Barnett, Clinical Lead - Time to Talk Health

Thank you Heidi for all your guidance and encouragement. I've learnt so many new skills and I'm really enjoying the sessions

I feel much better after your classes than I do when I came home. After a heavy day at work, I really look forward to our art time.

Ann Wilson, Team Administrator, Children's Audiology

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